What Happens If Someone Calls Animal Control On Your Dog

If someone calls animal control on your dog, there is no need to worry if your dog does not do anything wrong. Animal control does not come to your home without a warrant or your permit. If they have a warrant, you must talk to them and read it.

After reading the warrant, you can allow them to inspect your pet. They check your dog and confirm that it is not harmful to other animals or people. However, if your dog attacks or bites someone, animal control takes it to a local place to put the “bite hold” and for further precautions.   

When To Call Animal Control On A Neighbor Near Me?

If you see anyone in your neighbors or any other person who is abusing or doing cruel things to their pets or any other animal. In that case, you must report it immediately by dialing 911 for an emergency. You can also remain anonymous while reporting if you wish. To report, you must give the location and address of the place where the animal or pet is being abused.     

What Happens After A Dog Bite Is Reported?

If a dog is reported for assault on any other person or dog, the animal control center takes this dog to a local area for placing it on “bite hold”, and the Council officer identifies the dog who bites. After that, you will usually permitted to have a hearing before your dog is announced as harmful by the court. The hearing for your dog is held in front of a judge or an administrative hearing officer.

The opposing party tries to prove and designate your dog as dangerous and threatening. The harmed party or an animal control center provides evidence to the court for biting or attacking to prove that the accusation is correct. However, if you are on the side of a dangerous dog, you can give evidence to prove that your dog is not harmful and attacks for his defence or in case of provoked by the opposing party.         

Can Animal Control Take My Dog In California?

In California, law enforcement officers or animal control officers are permitted to take and seize the dog if it becomes a severe threat to the safety of the community. When your dog bites and attacks others without any reason or provoking, it must be dangerous for other people and animals.

These types of dogs and pets have to be impounded, and their owners will be liable for the expenses of keeping the dog in the impounded place. However, if the dog is completely safe and does not cause any harm to others, animal control will not take your dog. 

What Does A Dog Warden Do?

Dog wardens offer various services and help you in case your dog is missing. Wardens also provide help to abandoned, dangerous, and stray dogs by taking them to the animal control center, where they are adopted by other people. The primary role of a dog warden is to catch stray dogs.

Below, we tell you some of the services and responsibilities of a warden.

  • Fouling the dog
  • Coordinating and working with other animal agencies
  • Dealing with stray dogs
  • Noise pollution caused by dogs
  • Promoting responsible dog ownership
  • Education
  • Enforcement of dog legislation

How Long Does The Dog Warden Keep Dogs?

The dog warden can keep a dog for seven days and wait for its owner to take his dog to its home. Wardens use an ID tag or try to scan a microchip in order to make contact with the owners of the dog. If the warden finds the owners of the dogs successfully, they can take them home after paying the veterinary and kennelling fees spent on the do during their stay with the warden.

The total expense differs based on the place and the living period of the dogs with the warden. However, if the warden won’t find the owner or they don’t retrieve their dog, it can be adopted by the warden, the person who rescued it, or anyone who wants a rescue dog. If the dog’s home is not found after seven days, the warden has to find a local place.   

Why Would A Dog Warden Call?

When a dog warden calls you, there is no need to worry; you should respond calmly. There are several reasons why a dog warden can call you, which are listed below.

  • Wardens may have received complaints of excessive dog barking and aggression.
  • They will check the dog’s license and vaccination records.
  • Wardens also contact you for welfare checks of your dog.
  • If a local dog law has been broken, they may contact you to know the situation.  

What Is A Restricted Dog?

Restricted dogs are those that have not bitten or attacked any person or animal and do not show signs of threat or aggression. However, restricted dogs are considered a greater threat to the people of the community than other pets and dog breeds. The rules of breed restrictions stop some pet breeds from living with other dog breeds together in a rental place. These restricted dog breeds include:

  • Mastiffs
  • Pit bulls
  • German shepherds
  • Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian fighting dog)
  • Rottweilers
  • Dobermans  
  • Japanese tosa
  • Dogo Argentino (Argentinean fighting dog)
  • Any dog announced to be a restricted dog by an authorized officer of the Council under Division 6 of the Companion Animals Act 1998.
  • Any other dog breed or type whose importation into Australia is restricted by or under the Commonwealth Customs Act 1901.

However, if you have a restricted dog that bites any person or animal without any type of provocation, you have to report this attack to the animal control center or local council as soon as possible. 

Why Do Dogs Ignore You When You Call Their Name?

There may be various reasons why your dog ignores you when you call its name or does not listen to you. If your dog completely ignores you or does not come to you when you call it, it is due to behavior, medical, and training issues.

Some reasons include confusion due to conflicting training, previous negative experiences, medical issues, depression, and inappropriate punishment, and it could be a bid for your attention. When you feel that your dog gets the maximum possible training, its recalling and responding ability will improve.        

Why Do Dogs Cry When You Call Their Name?

Your dogs cry when you call their name, and it is mainly because of distractions. There is no need to sound annoying or repeat their name while calling them because it makes them annoyed. However, some reasons for this behavior are listed below.

  • Excitement or anxiety: When you call those names, your dog might be excited or disturbed, and it might cry to express its feelings.
  • Attention seeking: Your dog may cry to get attention or talk with you. If the other members of your family pay attention when you call their names, your dog may think that crying is a good way to get attention. 

Here, we tell you some tips for calling your dog or pet.

  • Call their name only one time.
  • When they give you attention, you need to keep your voice cheerful and calm.
  • Appreciate them when they answer correctly.
  • It would be best to practice in a safe and small area. Avoid practicing in an open environment, such as near a street or park.
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